Oct 15, 2020
Is there anyone in your life that you have made untouchable?
Surely in this day and age there are people that don't agree with you, that you don't agree with, that look or act or believe differently than you, right? Have you ever considered the possibility that you have made them untouchable? It is something we all need to consider, especially if we call ourselves Christians.
Jesus touched everyone. The leper, the prostitute, the sick, the poor & even the dead. There was not one single soul alive or dead that Jesus did not or would not touch. So, that means if we call ourselves followers of Him, that is the calling on our lives, too. To allow everyone to be touchable.
Are there people of other religions, ethnicities, sexual orientation, colors, political parties that you haven't, don't or would not "touch"? What do you think when you hear their stories, when you see their faces? Are they untouchable to you?
Last week on Upstream Tv's podcast we discussed what Jesus did and would do and how we should live and act in response. You can watch it here: WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?
I, Sami, personally shared of a time at Mother Teresa's home for the dying and destitute where I was tangibly faced with this very question. What WOULD Jesus do? Go take a watch or listen and let's all consider how we can make every single person we come across TOUCHABLE. Feel free to print this page and hang it somewhere in your home to remind you to ask yourself this very important question......
You can also join us tonight at 6 PM CST for the release of Episode 5: How To Dress Up A Workout Tank And Parenting. Find us on Youtube, Apple Podcast & Spotify under Upstream International.